OSEA Case Study

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Buffalo Based

Environmental Health and Safety Consultants


Case Study

Since 1991, OSEA has become the premier consulting firm dedicated to providing expert consultation on Environmental, Health and Safety issues. OSEA is headquartered in Buffalo, New York and maintains full-service offices in Syracuse, New York; Charlotte, North Carolina; and New York, NY. OSEA is also an Erie County certified Woman-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE).

To overcome environmental, health, and safety programming challenges, OSEA relies on its expert staff of experienced, certified, and qualified professionals. OSEA prides itself on providing practical solutions that seek to lower client’s cost of goods sold, increase client’s return on investment, and, most importantly, protect worker safety!

there are times when certain client staff can’t make the face-to-face training sessions that OSEA provides, that’s when VideoTile courses are used because they can be worked through remotely.

They’re also used where, for example, just a few people need specific training and the cost of arranging face-to-face sessions can’t be justified, or because without the training, the client can’t work on a particular site or can’t get some specific accreditation.

‘We’ve enjoyed a very successful working relationship with VideoTile,’ says Joseph J. Coniglio, President, OSEA, Inc.

‘Their courses are professionally produced, up-to-date and economically viable and increasingly, our clients approach us to buy access to stand-alone online courses.’
‘With VideoTile online courses we can offer the widest possible range of Health and Safety training with so many different options for clients. I think it’s been very good for us.’

Joseph J. Coniglio

President - OSEA Inc.

‘We’ve enjoyed a very successful working relationship with VideoTile,’ says Joseph J. Coniglio, President, OSEA, Inc.

‘Their courses are professionally produced, up-to-date and economically viable and increasingly, our clients approach us to buy access to stand-alone online courses.’

‘With VideoTile online courses we can offer the widest possible range of Health and Safety training with so many different options for clients. I think it’s been very good for us.’

Joseph J. Coniglio

President - OSEA Inc.

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Please call on 1800 656 0215 or schedule an appointment below for a free demo of our LMS and Online Training Courses.

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API: Use your own LMS

VideoTile obtains appropriate regulatory approvals and accreditations for all its video-based online training courses to US federal law standards

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