Complete control with the VideoTile Learning Management System

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Your branded Learning Management System

VideoTile Learning has developed a Learning Management System (LMS) which is delivered under your own brand.

Our LMS has been developed and refined over the last 10 years. It has two interfaces, a dashboard for the distributor and another for the customer.

The distributor dashboard allows you to manage your customers’ accounts.

The customer dashboard is where the candidates go to do the training. Your customer can use the dashboard to manage any number of candidates. It’s mobile-responsive and can deliver extensive reports. If needed, it will work side-by-side with an existing LMS, via our open API.

The system includes all the features you would expect from a LMS – and much more.

Features include reports on courses sold, broken down into sales reports by customer. You can see who has passed, failed and re-sat exams.

This is also where all your marketing and course resources are stored, and where you will administer customer credit accounts, create discount codes and have the ability to give unlimited access to customers who pay a monthly subscription.

The candidate-facing areas are constructed so that a set of multiple-choice questions are introduced after each module. Following successful completion of a course, candidates will receive a system-generated certificate.​

Contact us for more information about our Online Training services, for a free evaluation as to how our solutions will work for your business or to arrange a meeting at our office.

Course Sample

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Please call on 1800 656 0215 or schedule an appointment below for a free demo of our LMS and Online Training Courses.

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Course Sample

LMS screen shots (click to view)

LMS home page

The home page of our LMS has a user-friendly dashboard and includes a manual that serves as a handy reference for any queries. There is also an area highlighting any new features that have been recently added. In addition, you’ll find an area showing a list of modules that candidates have failed, together with statistics listing all the courses currently available and a breakdown of course licence sales, including the total number of courses assigned to candidates, broken down into months.

Candidates’ Area

Your candidates receive a clear interface where they will see only the courses they are required to complete. In circumstances where the candidate needs a refresher on the course content before answering the questions this is always available for them to re watch. We use various exam and question types and formats dependant on the accreditation level and subject matter. You as the distributor can use this area to add or delete candidates and assign course licences to individual candidates. intelligent automated email reminders can also be set reminding learners to start, complete and renew their training.

Business Area

From the Business Area, the distributor can create accounts for businesses allowing clients to manage multiple course licenses from an Admin Panel and create candidate accounts. Creating accounts simply requires the distributor to enter details for the business and the relevant number of course licenses required. Once an account has been created, the name will appear in the ‘Business Accounts Overview’ list at the bottom of the page. For your business customers they will receive an easy-to-use interface. From here, it’s easy for them to manage candidates individually or in bulk. Allowing them to Automate their workplace training with functions such as bulk uploads, archiving and enrolling.

Credit Accounts

Distributors can assign large quantities of generic credit to their customers so they can predict how much training they will need in the future and purchase this from the distributor upfront. In return, the distributor could reward their customers with lower prices and a more flexible solution, so they have unlimited access to your full suite of VideoTile courses while they are in credit. They don’t need to know what courses they need or when they will need them. The credit is generic so it’s not associated to any particular set of courses, so it can be used against any course and what’s more the credit never expires.

Unlimited Usage Subscriptions

Subscription accounts allow your customers unlimited use of the online training courses, based on them paying you a monthly fee. The amount customers pay is determined by how many employees they have.

For the customer, it makes budgeting much easier and gives them peace of mind – knowing that all their training needs are covered with just one fixed monthly payment. For you, as the distributor, it’s great business – helping you build a retained customer base, enhancing cash flow and helping you forecast for the future.


This section of the LMS contains useful instructions and downloadable content, such as PDF user manuals, sample certificates, course overview documents and approval information. The Guides Box includes downloadable manuals which explain how to use the systems and how to market the courses with our comprehensive ‘Marketing toolkit’. Here you will also find information on how to set up the online shop on your website together with resources that can be used in your social media marketing.

Mobile friendly

Unlimited usage & bulk credit

API: Use your own LMS

VideoTile obtains appropriate regulatory approvals and accreditations for all its video-based online training courses to US federal law standards

Distributor case studies

Some of Our Users

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