Kelly Case Study

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Kelly Safety

Alabama Based

Health, Safety and Environment Consultancy


Case Study

Kelly Safety are a market leader in Safety Consultancy and Training

“Safety is our Passion” says Jason Kelly CEO

“This a powerful statement that conveys a strong commitment to ensuring the well-being of employees and contractors in all aspects of our work and our daily lives. This passion drives us to continually improve our safety measures, educate others, and enforce safety protocols. Making our top priority helping everyone by building a stronger culture of safety in every industry. “

Kelly Safety offer a mix of training to meet individual client needs. This could include face-to-face training at the client’s premises or in their own classrooms. Since the introduction of VideoTile This offering now includes highly cost-effective, branded, online training.

“VideoTile courses are an excellent way of showing clients how effective online training can be.”

“The VideoTile courses can be part of a package where they’re used before classroom training to cover the basics, so we hit the road running, or afterwards as a refresher course to maintain awareness. VideoTile courses are increasingly being purchased as ‘stand-alone’ training which avoids pulling workers away from their productive jobs, and they can be completed at the workers own pace, in their own time.”
“VideoTile courses are an excellent way of showing clients how effective online training can be. Take the construction sector. They’re practical people and the culture tends to prefer face-to-face. But when I show them VideoTile examples and explain how online training can be integrated with classroom sessions, the mindset changes. In fact, everybody I’ve shown VideoTile to thinks it’s a great tool.”

Jason Kelly

CEO - Kelly Safety

“VideoTile courses are an excellent way of showing clients how effective online training can be.”

“The VideoTile courses can be part of a package where they’re used before classroom training to cover the basics, so we hit the road running, or afterwards as a refresher course to maintain awareness. VideoTile courses are increasingly being purchased as ‘stand-alone’ training which avoids pulling workers away from their productive jobs, and they can be completed at the workers own pace, in their own time.”

“VideoTile courses are an excellent way of showing clients how effective online training can be. Take the construction sector. They’re practical people and the culture tends to prefer face-to-face. But when I show them VideoTile examples and explain how online training can be integrated with classroom sessions, the mindset changes. In fact, everybody I’ve shown VideoTile to thinks it’s a great tool.”

Jason Kelly

CEO - Kelly Safety

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Please call on 1800 656 0215 or schedule an appointment below for a free demo of our LMS and Online Training Courses.

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API: Use your own LMS

VideoTile obtains appropriate regulatory approvals and accreditations for all its video-based online training courses to US federal law standards

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