Equality, Diversity and Discrimination e-learning

Equality, Diversity and Discrimination Course Overview:

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We’ve all heard and used the words ‘equality’ and ‘diversity’ before but what do they actually mean and how do they affect you as an employer or employee?

Well if you take the words on their own they are actually quite different, equality is the state of being equal, especially in rights and opportunities.

Diversity is the state of being different or varied.

However, these two things should not be seen as opposite each other, after all people can be different but still have the same rights.

When it comes to workplaces, there is legislation in place to ensure that we all meet our responsibilities in relation to equality and diversity… And one way to make sure we meet these responsibilities is through Equality, Diversity and Discrimination online training.

Online Equality, Diversity and Discrimination Target Audience

This Equality, Diversity and Discrimination E-Learning course is aimed at all employees giving them an understanding around the issues of Equality, Diversity and Discrimination in the Workplace.

Equality, Diversity and Discrimination E-Learning Advantages

In this online Equality, Diversity and Discrimination course we’re going to be discussing two topics, ‘equality’ and diversity’ and how they relate to one another. Understanding this will help us to identify and address issues of unfairness and discrimination in the workplace.

Online training is flexible, efficient and cost-effective meaning the candidate can progress through the modules at their own pace and in their own time to fit the training in around their work and personal life.

Duration of the course

70 minutes


Equality, Diversity and Discrimination Course Modules

What is Equality & Diversity
Equality and Diversity Legislation
What do we Mean by Discrimination
Promoting Diversity
Links Between Values, Attitudes and Beliefs
Stereotypes, Prejudices and Discrimination
Institutional Discrimination
Valuing Others
Resistance to Feedback
Course Summary

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