Machine Guarding – Online Course

IACET Accredited

VideoTile Learning Ltd is accredited by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and offers IACET CEUs for its learning events that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard. IACET is recognized internationally as a standard development organization and accrediting body that promotes quality of continuing education and training.

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Machine Guarding Overview:

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This E-learning Machine Guarding online course provides everything you need to know about machine guarding in the workplace.

Exposure to unguarded or inadequately guarded machines can cause severe injury or death if you operate or maintain machinery. This online training course on Machine Guarding includes essential information about protecting yourself against serious injury when working with powerful machines.

The E-Learning course starts by discussing OSHA regulations and how they apply to machine guarding.

You’ll learn how to use the Hierarchy of Controls to make the right choices when considering ways to eliminate or reduce machine-related risks and explain how safety is everyone’s responsibility during the Machine guarding online course.

Training is a vital part of any effective machine guarding program, and this E-Learning Machine Guarding course will highlight the key information that should be delivered in training and, the responsibilities of management when devising effective guarding training programs.

There’ll be an in-depth look at machine-related injuries, along with where these injuries occur and how they are caused.

During the Machine Guarding online course you’ll learn about the role played by operating controls, and we’ll cover machine guard types, along with non-mechanical hazard guarding techniques.

Finally, the E-Learning Machine Guarding course will provide detail on safeguarding devices and best practices.

Machine Guarding Target Audience

This E-Learning Machine Guarding course is aimed at operators of power tools and machinery, who have responsibilities for other employees working with these. The purpose of this online Machine Guarding training is to ensure they understand the reasons this type of machinery has guards on it and that they use them appropriately.

Machine Guarding E-Learning Advantages

This is an online course, so it can be taken at your own pace, at a time that’s convenient for you.

Online training is flexible, efficient and cost-effective, so candidates can progress through the modules at their own pace, in their own time, making it easy to fit the training around their work and personal life.

Duration of the course

60 minutes

Machine Guarding Modules

Introduction to Machine Guarding
Machine Guard Hazards and Danger Areas
Operating Controls and Machine Guard Types
Safeguarding Devices and Best Practices

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Please call toll free on 1800 656 0215 or complete the form below to arrange a free demo of our LMS and Online Training Courses.

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CEU Requirements

To receive CEU credit for taking this course, you must:

  • Pass the knowledge checkpoints and complete the entire course.

Upon successful completion, you will receive a certificate showing the CEUs earned.

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VideoTile obtains appropriate regulatory approvals and accreditations for all its video-based online training courses to US federal law standards

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