Job Hazard Analysis – Online Course

IACET Accredited

VideoTile Learning Ltd is accredited by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and offers IACET CEUs for its learning events that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard. IACET is recognized internationally as a standard development organization and accrediting body that promotes quality of continuing education and training.

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Job Hazard Analysis Overview:

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This online Job Hazard Analysis E-learning course focuses on Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) as a way of identifying workplace hazards before they can cause accidents or illnesses.

JHA is a simple method of identifying and controlling the risks and hazards associated with each operation in the workplace.

The E-learning Job Hazard Analysis Course starts by looking at the role of OSHA who do not specifically request organizations to develop JHAs, but encourages their use.

The online Job Hazard analysis E-learning course covers the benefits of performing JHA – reducing accidents, injuries, and illnesses, and consequently improving health and safety performance and reducing absences.

Stress is reduced and employees can take their time and work safely so productivity increases and the organization operates at peak performance, workplace morale also improves.

During the E-learning Job Hazard Analysis course we will look at the actions you should take before beginning a JHA including worker involvement, accident and incident reviews, employee surveys, worker compensation claims and industry or trade association data.

The online Job Hazard course covers the five key stages of JHA including:

  • Selecting the job you want to analyse
  • Breaking the job into key sequential steps
  • Identifying and evaluating existing and potential hazards – with a review of major hazards including slips, trips and falls, falls from height, manual handling, environmental hazards, chemicals, electricity, plant and machinery, ergonomics, vehicles and transport, radiation
  • Determining controls – we look at the risk control hierarchy – a system to minimise or eliminate hazard exposure
  • Prioritizing the implementation of the agreed controls – including calculating risk values and putting together a JHA team. Including the importance of likelihood, consequence and exposure
  • The online Job Hazard Analysis course will look at how to choose the appropriate level of control and develop a hazard control plan, and prioritize implementation
  • We also look at how to review and revise controls once they are in place

JHA worksheets are important and we detail exactly how they should be completed with useful, practical tips.

Job Hazard Analysis Target Audience

This E-learning Job Hazard analysis Course is aimed at managers and those with safety responsibilities within the workplace.

Job Hazard Analysis E-Learning Advantages

This is an online course, so it can be taken at your own pace, at a time that’s convenient for you.

Online training is flexible, efficient and cost-effective, so candidates can progress through the modules at their own pace, in their own time, making it easy to fit the training around their work and personal life.

Duration of the course

90 minutes

Job Hazard Analysis

Five stages of JHA
Stage 3: Identifying and evaluating existing and potential hazards.
Stage 4: Determine controls
Stage 5: Prioritize the implementation of the agreed controls.

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Please call toll free on 1800 656 0215 or complete the form below to arrange a free demo of our LMS and Online Training Courses.

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CEU Requirements

To receive CEU credit for taking this course, you must:

  • Pass the knowledge checkpoints and complete the entire course.

Upon successful completion, you will receive a certificate showing the CEUs earned.

Online training screenshots (click to view)

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VideoTile obtains appropriate regulatory approvals and accreditations for all its video-based online training courses to US federal law standards

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